Prostitution is legal in Nicaragua. In Managua it is widespread. A lot of guys in Managua spend time with hookers. If they don’t want to spend a hundred dollars or more on a woman in a strip club for tourists, they get curious about finding cheap sex at Club Fenix.
Nicaragua is one of the poorer countries in the world. That doesn’t always mean the prostitutes will be cheap. Hookers in Myanmar charge more than prostitutes in Germany. It’s hard to understand. We aren’t here to analyze it down to the economic roots. We just tell it like it is. You can find very cheap sex at Club Fenix in Managua. Here’s how.
Club Fenix in Managua
Club Fenix is a popular brothel-type bar in Managua. It is located near the Rotonda Santo Domingo. All the taxis drivers know the place. A lot of them probably go there as customers. Fenix is also known as Fenix Showbar. All you have to say is “Fenix.” People will know what you are talking about.
Fenix just looks like a big warehouse outside, except for all the cars and guys around. Inside it doesn’t look much different. You might expect it to look more like a nice club. The prices are so low that they probably can’t budget for that. So you get what you see instead.
It doesn’t matter though. Club Fenix isn’t a luxury hotel where you go to soak in a hot tub. It is a bar filled with prostitutes. You go there to have sex. Lots of local guys go there with their friends. They drink and pal around, then take a hooker into the back and do her in different positions. After they shoot their spunk, they come back and pal around some more. It’s a real macho activity.
Fenix is open around the clock. It never closes, except maybe on Christmas. You don’t pay anything to get in. A bottle of beer is cheap. You can buy one and sit down and nurse it. Some women might approach you. Others will wait for you to go up to them first.
Prostitutes at Fenix Showbar
There are about ten prostitutes working at Fenix Showbar most times. At night there may be more. They will also be more busy. If you want the best shot at a peaceful atmosphere you can go during the day. Just don’t expect the women to be spunky and full of energy if you show up at sunrise.
Most of the women at Fenix are Nicaraguan. They are average looking at best. You might find some women who come over from Honduras too. Expect them to be chubby single moms with saggy boobs and serious signs of baby damage. If there are some hotter girls around, they will be popular.
All it takes to have sex is to ask for it. The women don’t speak English. If you can speak Spanish, you will do well. If you don’t, you can rely on slow speaking and body language. Google translate is also really good now. Bring your phone if you want to use it.
Price for sex at Fenix
As far as we can tell, there is no set price for Fenix. Like anything in Latin America, it is up for negotiation. If you look like a newbie, a girl might ask you for 1000 Cordobas. If you are a local regular, they will know better.
The market rate is basically what most guys pay. Most customers at Fenix are locals. They pay 400 or maximum 500 Cordobas for 30 minutes. At the current exchange rate of 1 US dollar to 32 Cordobas, that is between 13 and 15 bucks. Not bad!
If you are asked for more than that, you can negotiate. If you find the rate you are given acceptable, you can pay it. It is easier to pay whatever you are told. That’s not what local guys do, but you can make your own choices. If you speak Spanish or know how to negotiate you’ll probably pay the going rate.
After you agree on a price, you go to a private room. They are in the back of Fenix. The rooms are big enough. They have plastic covered mattresses and cold water showers. It’s hardly clean as a hospital, but it doesn’t look like the chicken farm in Sihanoukville either. Normally you will get a blowjob and sex with a condom. The hookers carry plenty of rubbers and lube. They go at it all the time. Don’t expect a girlfriend experience. You’re probably going to get enthusiastic but mechanical sex. When you’re time is almost up, someone will bang on the door. It’s not exactly romantic, but it is cheap.
Very educational and informative.
Is the crime bad in the cities written about.?
Which city? We’re only talking about one place in Managua here. The US government says “There is serious risk from crime in Managua.”
Don’t walk in dark areas alone.
That is generally good advice anywhere. Especially in Managua though!