Bangkok draws people in from all over the world. Many visitors are horny men who want to partake in some of the widely available sex sold openly. For any number of reasons, they might want to try to have sex with women other than Thais. Seeing big booty black girls around sparks a lot of interest. So some guys want to know all about Black African prostitutes in Bangkok.
Anyone who has been to Bangkok has probably seen them. You may not have talked to them. We are going to tell you all you need to know about these women so you will be prepared. It’s always better to know before you go.
African women in Bangkok
There aren’t many African women in Bangkok, but you will see them from time to time. Some are just tourists or businesswomen. Don’t get confused. It’s pretty easy to identify a black hooker in Bangkok. Black civilians don’t stand out in the street in the middle of the night smiling at every guy who walks past.
Some African women study in Thailand and want to make extra money on the side. They use their education visa to stay in the country, but after hours they go out and look for customers. Most of them probably have families back home that they have to support. So they’re not much different from Isan women who hook in Bangkok and Pattaya.
The black hookers will tell you they come from any number of African countries. They might say they’re from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar or Tanzania. In reality, most of them are from Uganda or Nigeria. Anyone can guess why they hide this information. There probably are some from the more exotic locations, but unless you are an expert it may be hard to tell. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter. Pussy doesn’t have any passport or national origin.
Where to find African prostitutes in Bangkok
It is pretty easy to find African prostitutes in Bangkok. Some may even say it is unavoidable, but that is not true. They mainly congregate in a few key areas where they know they have a good chance to score a customers or two.
If you read our guy’s guide on where to stay in Bangkok, you will probably come across at least a few African hookers. They mainly stand in three key areas:
- North side of Sukhumvit between Soi 3 and Soi 19
- Sukhumvit Soi 4 / Soi Nana
- Sukhumvit Soi 11
They’re not limited to those areas, but that’s mainly where you will see them. Usually they hang together in groups. Some of them even make friends with Thai street hookers and work together, but usually the African hookers are on their own. It’s rare to see less than two black hookers working together in Bangkok. Sometimes they will be in a group as large as five or six.
Price of sex with black prostitutes in Bangkok
If you don’t know the price for things sold informally in Southeast Asia, it is easy to get ripped off. A newbie who asks an African hooker in Bangkok how much she wants might get quoted a crazy price from 1800 to 3000 Baht. This is much higher than the going rate.
The truth is that street hookers in Bangkok all accept the same rates. African prostitutes don’t charge any more than Thai prostitutes. That means they will go with you short time for 1000 Baht or long time for 2000 Baht. Short time means sex one time. Long time means they stay overnight and have sex at least twice. Generally speaking that is. There are no rules. This isn’t a regulated industry.
Even prices are flexible. If you know how to negotiate you can definitely get sex with a Black hooker in Bangkok for 700 or 800 Baht. It depends on the way you look, act, and talk. It also probably depends on how much the hooker in question wants to make money.
Safety: Do African hookers have STDs?
If you want to have sex with an African hooker, you’re probably wondering if it is safe. You want to know if African prostitutes have sexually transmitted infections. We can’t answer that.
There’s no way to know who is infected and who isn’t without testing. No one takes a laboratory with them when they go shopping for street hookers.
There is no doubt that the HIV rate in parts of Africa is the highest in the world. But you also have to remember that Thailand has the highest HIV rate outside of Africa. So you’re not exactly in the clear if you stick to having sex with Thai women.
If you read our guide on where to buy condoms in Bangkok you should be prepared anyway. As long as you strap up and take basic precautions, you most likely won’t have any problems. You never know what is going to happen in this world. The best thing you can do is prepare.
Generally speaking, if all you want is a BJ does the price go down or is it 1000 baht regardless? Also, do the hotels have any issues with African Freelancers being a short time guest?
Since it is all negotiated there’s no way to know for sure. Probably some of them would do a suck job for less than 1000 Baht. Recently they aren’t as easy to find. That might effect prices one way or another.
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We won’t either