Vietnamese women are beautiful. Despite the stereotypes, many of them even have nice curvy bodies. Few are going to have bodies that rival black babes though. Black women are famous for their booties. African women are often very curvy. You might be longing for big butts and boobs if you find yourself in Saigon. So, it is totally understandable that you might want to know where to find African women in Ho Chi Minh City.
They say “once you go black, you never go back.” A lot of guys haven’t even gone black yet, but they want to. Everyone is curious what this phrase means. There’s only one way to find out! Africa is where black people come from. It is where all people come from. People can move around. African people do it often. So you can find African women all over the world. Here is how to find African women in Ho Chi Minh City.
African women in Ho Chi Minh City
There are not a lot of Africans in Ho Chi Minh City. You can find some if you look. If you don’t look, you may run into one or two very occasionally. So, if you are into black African women you might have to put in some effort. It’s still pretty easy to find African women for sex though.
People seem to be more open and free in Southeast Asia. It’s a different atmosphere. People are willing to talk to strangers and engage them. Once you engage a women it’s usually pretty easy to get to the next step too. People just don’t have the time for beating around the bush. So you can get right down to it. First you have to find the people though. The hardest part about having sex with African women in Saigon is finding them. If you get your sights on some African women you have a decent chance of getting them into bed.
You’ve can find a few types of African women in Vietnam. First are the students. Next are the business women. After that come the tourists. Finally, you have the full and part time African prostitutes. We don’t want to stereotype, but there seem to be more African prostitutes than African tourists or students. At least the African hookers are much easier to find!
African prostitutes on Bui Vien
There is only really one place you will spot African prostitutes in Ho Chi Minh City. That is on the backpacker street called Bui Vien. Every taxi driver knows the place. You can’t miss it. If you don’t want to be in the foreigner area where prices are high and rip-offs are common, you should head elsewhere. But if you really want to see African prostitutes, it is the best place to go.
African prostitutes can be found on the street itself or mixed in with people at the cheap street bars. Occasionally, you can also find them in the bars or clubs along the street. Obviously, they stand out from the crowd. Just don’t confuse them with black or African tourists which of course also exist.
If you don’t find any African hookers on Bui Vien, you probably won’t find them anywhere in Saigon. If you have your heart set on renting some black booty, you can either catch a flight and check out the black African prostitutes in Bangkok or search for local black hookers online.
Meeting African women online
Tinder is the go-to app for most people who want to meet nowadays. Ho Chi Minh City is huge and filled with millions of people. When you fire up Tinder you’ll see that most of them are Vietnamese. That’s great if you want to meet Viets. It’s not great if you are looking for Africans.
Badoo is another free app that can work in Saigon. It’s not very good for finding African women though. You would have to put in a lot of work to track one down. That’s not to mention trying to get her to meet you. You have better odds looking where there are many African women.
If you want to meet African women online, you should get a membership to an African dating site. Even if you are in Vietnam you can use these sites to find African women. African women travel. Just because they go to Vietnam doesn’t mean they close their accounts. African dating sites are filled with single African women who want to meet foreigners too. Most of the African women you see in person in Saigon are with their family or husbands.
Where to have sex in Saigon
Officially, it is illegal for a Vietnamese woman to sleep with a man she is not married too. Laos has a similar law. In practice, this rule is not really enforced in Ho Chi Minh City. A lot of hotels still fear the rule however. So if you try to bring a Vietnamese woman who is not your wife back to your room at the Novotel, you will find that it is not allowed.
There are many ways around this. One is to go to a short time hotel that rents by the hour. They are common in Saigon. Another way is to get your own apartment. That works for people staying long term, but neighbors can still complain and cause problems. The best bet is to stay at a girl friendly hotel like the A25 De Tham Hotel which has no problem letting you bring back Vietnamese women.
Most four and five star hotels ban local women from rooms unless they book themselves. Most two and three star hotels look the other way. If you plan on bringing African women to your room, you don’t need to worry. The rules on cohabitation don’t apply to foreigners. So you can bring African women to your room with no problem whatsoever with the hotel.
Stay safe sexing strangers in Saigon
That doesn’t save you from other potential problems though. Just take standard safety precautions like you would with any stranger and you will probably be okay. First, you should lock any valuables in your safe before bringing a stranger to your room. Second, you should have a good supply of condoms with you before you meet any women and get tempted to stick it in bareback.
We recommend the reliable and inexpensive Okamoto Crown for all male travelers. You can buy a bunch of these rubbers for little money and stick them in your bag. Wherever you go, you’ll have rubbers within your reach. These are roomy and they let almost all of the feeling through. You won’t be thinking about sliding in raw when you have Crowns around.
Have you seen many natural curvy women in Vietnam? Between Viet,thai and Philippines girl,who more curvy in your experience?
How many is many? They definitely exist. Thai women have the smallest tits in the world on average. 37 percent of people in the Philippines are obese.