Do you want to know all about prostitution in Amsterdam? All you have to do is read on. We have the scoop on the city and its legalized sex industry. From the top of the red light districts to the bottom of the public park street walkers, we’ve scoped out the situation. Now we have the information ready to report back to you!
In this guide, we are going to break down the whole prostitution scene in Amsterdam. We’ll cover the world-famous red light districts and tell what they charge. Next we’ll cover the costs of having sex in the red light districts. Finally, we’ll explain some of the alternatives to the red light districts that can actually be much better.
Prostitution in Amsterdam
Pretty much everyone knows that prostitution is legal in the Netherlands. That of course means that it is legal in Amsterdam too. So are a lot of drugs. The city is now world-famous as a sort of “anything goes” place. That’s not really true to be honest. There are plenty of laws, even when it comes to something as simple as paying for a blowjob or smoking a joint. It’s not the wild west to be sure.
That’s probably why “sex tourism” is so limited in the Netherlands. It’s not like there are millions of guys pouring into the country to pay for sex with a prostitute. Many more people come in family-friendly tours, and they simply wander through the red light districts gawking at the hookers in the red-lit windows.
At the same time, guys still do pay for sex with women in Amsterdam. Just know that it may not be exactly what you expect. Especially in the case of the window girls, you have to remember that most of them are not even Dutch. Instead you get a mix. Most of the ladies are Eastern European. So you can expect to meet a lot of Romanians or maybe Moldovans. After that, you can find some black women and maybe a couple of Asians.
Looks are going to depend on which red light district you go to. Some of the window women are pretty hot. Some of the others are not so much. No matter where you go though, you can expect the services to be mechanical and pretty poor. It’s not like they are balls of passion just waiting to be unleashed by your Euros. They’re clearly there to do a job. That job is to extract money from guys first, and maybe extract semen from penises second.
Sex in Amsterdam red light districts
Obviously, the red light districts are the most famous prostitution hot spots in Amsterdam. There are several in town. The infamous De Wallen is mostly visited by foreigners nowadays. Dutch dudes who still want a quick wham-bam are more likely to go to some of the smaller and less known red light districts. Those include Singelgebied which isn’t too far away.
In the red light districts, you have to pay 50 Euros or more for sex. If you find a girl you like, you just start talking to her. She’ll tell you what’s on offer and you can negotiate. If you want anything other than just one position sex with a condom, you have to spell it out up front. If you don’t, they’ll ask for more money in the room when you try to go doggy style or ask to finish on her tits.
Some people think this is cheap. Some people think it’s expensive. It really depends on your perspective and experience around the world. As we’ve written before, you can get a blowjob for $8 in Saigon. But you could also go two countries over and end up spending 200 Euros on a go go dancer in Bangkok who will be act like a lifeless starfish in your bed.
Alternatives to red light districts
While the many red light districts get all the international attention, there are better options in Amsterdam. If you do a little research, you will find that there are actually all kinds of ways to get it wet in the city.
Escorts are an obvious option. Of course they are also about the most expensive route you can take. You pay more money and aren’t really guaranteed a good time. But you could definitely luck out and get a really good looking chick who loves sex. European porn stars are also known to come to Amsterdam to hook from time to time. So you can find them online and get busy with a woman you’ve been wanking over for years previous.
Much cheaper are the illegal street walkers. Most of them are Thai, African, or Latina. You can often find them walking around the De Wallen red light district at night. They charge a lot less, but you never know what you are going to get. One good thing is that there are lots of short time rooms around for you to hump in.
Massage parlors are pretty common. They’re usually worked by Asian chicks. You find a lot of Indonesians in these places, probably thanks to the relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia in the past. Thai and Chinese women are common too. You can get anything from a basic handjob to full on heart-pounding sex in these places. The prices are about what you would expect for a rich European country.
Brothels and sex clubs probably offer the best value-for-money proposition. The cool thing about them is that you can even find Dutch hookers inside from time to time. Since prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, some of the brothels have become franchise chains. They’re like McDonald’s of sex! Famous Amsterdam brothels include Privehuis Park 118, Asmara, and Golden Key. You’ll pay over 100 Euros for service, but it usually comes with a great body massage and intimate sexual relations.