Are there freelance prostitutes in Kuala Lumpur? You better believe it. Right now as we write this there are hundreds of hookers from all around Asia and even the world in the city. They aren’t there to see the sites. They want to make money from guys like you.
Kuala Lumpur is the biggest city in Malaysia. And Malaysia itself is one of the biggest Muslim-majority countries in the world. You might be surprised to know that there is still a lot of prostitution going on there. If you read Guys Info Hub you won’t be surprised at all about this. Instead, you’ll be fully informed.
Not too many people go to Malaysia for “sex tourism.” At the same time, there are definitely numbers of guys who have sex with prostitutes while they are in the country. Maybe because most local women are so conservative, and guys need an outlet for their sexual urges. That is just how it goes, so it is all to be expected.
In this guy’s guide, we are going to tell you everything you know about locating freelance prostitutes in Kuala Lumpur. We will give you the names and addresses of bars where freelancers hang out. We’ll tell you what to expect when talking to them. We will also tell you how much they charge for sex. Finally, we’ll compare having sex with freelancers to just simply dating or trying to score hookups.
Freelancers in Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. While Malaysia certainly isn’t the richest country in the world, it’s better off in terms of finance than much of Southeast Asia. At the same time, women from the ASEAN states have visa-free access to Malaysia. So a lot of them take cheap flights to go there posing as tourists. Then they work as freelance prostitutes until their visa exemption expires.
So there are a lot of freelance prostitutes in Malaysia. Few of them are actually Malaysian. There are strict rules about what Malay women can and can’t do in Malaysia. Needless to say, selling sex is off limits. But women from the rest of Southeast Asia come to the country and sell sex regularly.
There are also women who come from other parts of the world. So when you go to the freelancer hangouts in Kuala Lumpur, don’t be surprised if you see some Russian or even African women. They will be there. They just won’t be found in the same kinds of numbers as the Asians. Vietnamese hookers are most common in KL. After that there are the Thais. Cambodians and Indonesians are more rare, at least in the freelance scene.
Freelancer bars in Kuala Lumpur
Although there are many hookers around, the truth is that there are basically only two main places where you can find freelance prostitutes in Kuala Lumpur. That isn’t too much of a problem though. Because both places are absolutely overflowing with hookers. You will see more in one night than you could sleep with in an entire lifetime.
If you have read our review of The Beach Club, then you already know what to expect there. It is filled with foreign prostitutes every night of the week. The Thai Club is basically the same kind of place. It is even located nearby. The only real difference between the two places is that the Beach Club is more popular and crowded. Expect to pay 300 to 500 Ringgit for sex with hookers at either place.
On top of these two places you can also find some freelance hookers at the Zeta Bar inside of the Hilton KL Hotel. Don’t expect much, but there are usually some Indonesian prostitutes in their thirties there trying to find foreigner customers. The live music actually isn’t bad either.
You may even find some freelancers working out of bars along Changkat Bukit Bintang. This is really hit-or-miss though. Certainly there is nothing steady and reliable like The Beach Club or Thai Club on this street. There aren’t nearly as many women either. So if you don’t find a lady you like at those two places, it is very unlikely you’ll find a suitable sex partner on Changkat Bukit Bintang.
Dating in Kuala Lumpur instead?
Truth be told, dating in Kuala Lumpur isn’t the easiest thing to do. Generally speaking, you aren’t going to do too well trying out day game in any Muslim country. A lot of women aren’t going to want to talk to you even if you are handsome and well groomed. Even if they talk to you, a lot of them won’t be able to meet you anywhere. There are a lot of things at play.
You can meet some local women. It just takes effort. The local Chinese and Indian women will be easier to deal with for dating and hookups. They’re allowed to drink alcohol too, so you can even find them in the typical pick up spots like bars and clubs.
Overall, you will be most successful by using online dating. If you sign up for a quality Malaysian dating site, you can start looking before you even arrive. That way you can pipeline some dates and have the women waiting and ready.
You can also cast the widest possible net by utilizing online dating. You can basically cover a huge portion of the local dating pool without even leaving your house or putting on your underwear. So you really maximize your time this way, and get the most bang out of your buck.
If that doesn’t work, you can always actually get bang for your bucks. As you can clearly see above, there are hundreds of freelancers working all the time in Kuala Lumpur. Most of them probably don’t even get customers every night. Since they are on short stays, they want to maximize their time. They are looking for customers to have sex with so they can get money.
I will be KL next month
Great news!
I will be there on 10 /12 evening
I m book a lady for overnight
Good for you man. Good for you.
A ten years old article? Thai club is closed permanently ?
A ten year old’s English language ability? Sorry but you have to be 21 to view this site kid.
Both Thai club and Beach club are permanently closed, right? At least that is what I can find on the internet. Do you know the names of the new bars where these freelance girls went to? Thank you!
The internet sucks! You can’t trust it.
Yeah I lived there until last year.. both clubs are permanently closed at the moment.
Thanks for the info!