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Every male traveler needs a virtual private network (VPN)


Every male traveler needs a virtual private network. Without it you can be cut off from all sorts of information that you would regularly rely on in your everyday life. Travel is about change and new experience, but you don’t want to be totally isolated or left in the cold.

A VPN is a must have travel accessory for every man. Forget about an umbrella. You can grab one of those anywhere. You should set up a virtual private network account before you even leave home. That way you will already have it when you need it.

Why you need a virtual private network

Having a VPN allows you to get around internet censorship. You can look at whatever website you want without interference from government bureaucrats and regulators. You might ask, “why would I want to look at a blocked or illegal website?” Well, keep in mind that different countries have their own rules. Some of them might really surprise you.

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For example, porn is illegal in Thailand. Even though the country is filled with prostitutes and bars with naked women you are not allowed to watch porn there. You’re allowed to creampie Thais, but you aren’t allowed to view Creampie Thais. When you try to fire up Porn Hub you are going to see that it is blocked too. No porn for you! It goes beyond that too. Even some mainstream news websites are blocked. Apparently they don’t like what was reported. Do you want to be cut off from news and porn?

Porn is blocked in South Korea too. The country has hundreds of thousands of prostitutes, but sex movies are not allowed. Many other websites are also blocked. South Korea is supposed to be the “democratic” Korea, but you might not be able to tell when you get there. If you have a VPN you won’t need to worry about any of this. Just turn it on and do what you want.

If you go to a place like China even basic everyday websites are blocked. Don’t be one of the guys who is shocked that he can’t open Google when he lands in China. Have a VPN already set up on your phone and you will still be able to use your regular websites and apps. You want to keep in touch with people in the outside world!

How to use a virtual private network

Using a VPN is easy. Once you sign up you just follow the links to download a program or app. This runs on your computer or smartphone. It’s best to let it run on every device you have. If you travel with a phone and laptop, just follow the instructions to get the VPN on both. It is easy to do.

How virtual private network works

After the VPN software is on your devices, you just have to click them to get them going. That’s it. The VPN will run your connection through a second computer somewhere else in the world. That lets you surf from wherever you want.

This is good for privacy too. It adds an extra layer of security if you are doing things like online banking or paying bills over the internet. It also hides your location from snoopers and on website like internet forums and even blog comment sections. You can be like batman.

Best VPNs for male travelers

There are many VPN services. We have tried a lot of them and researched many others. After a lot of experience we have boiled everything down to two main services. These virtual private networks are inexpensive and very reliable. They’re also incredibly easy to set up. We have never had a problem with either in years of use.

The two virtual private networks we recommend are:

These are the two best VPNs we have found for guys. They both have easy instructions to get set up and running too. You can even use these virtual private networks for a free trial period. If you have a seven day trip coming up and you can’t spare a few dollars for a VPN you could just do the free week then cancel.

We don’t think you will though. Once you start using a VPN you never want to go back. Why let some aloof bureaucrat in a distant land decide what you can and can’t see? You’re a grown man. Make your own decisions. Having a VPN enables you to do that.

As we said earlier, having a VPN on your devices also helps keep your precious personal information safe. You don’t want to have your bank emptied out while you’re on the road. You don’t want to be stuck on the phone calling your bank back home either. It happens more than you might expect. If identity theft is a risk at home it becomes more of a threat when you’re far from home and connecting over strange public Wifi networks. Get a VPN and rest easy!

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