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Where to find escorts in Kanagawa and Atsugi


There aren’t a lot of of choices when it comes to finding escorts in Atsugi and Kanagawa. Especially if you are not Japanese. If you don’t even speak Japanese, you might think it’s impossible to find an escort in the are at all. Thankfully, that is not true.

The truth is that prostitution in Kanagwa and Atsugi is pretty common. There are actually foreigner-friendly escorts in Kanagawa who also travel to Atsugi to work with gaijin. These ladies even float a lot of boats around the Naval Air Facility!

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There are a few key things to note right off the bat. Kanagawa is a prefecture next to Tokyo. It has the second highest population after Tokyo. Yet there aren’t nearly as many hookers working there as there are in the big city.

Another thing to keep in mind is that sex work and escorting are totally legal in Japan. So you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble. As long as you deal with legal agencies and follow the rules, you aren’t doing anything wrong.

Escorts for foreigners in Kanagawa

The biggest obstacle for foreigners in Japan is that a lot of escorts are “Japanese only.” So they won’t even talk to you unless you are Japanese or speak Japanese. There are some cool places that will work with you though. Sometimes you have to jump through hoops. Though the best escort agencies make it easy for gaijin like us.

In our experience opinion, Taitanic is the best escort agency in Kanagawa. They have an English website, the guys who do the bookings speak English, and they make it all really simple. If you contact Taitanic and tell them you want an escort, they will send one out. It really is that simple.

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At Taitanic you get a shower, kissing, touching, oral sex in both directions, and sumata. If you want anything additional like cum swallowing, video recording, or anal sex, all you have to do is ask. They even have a full menu with all the prices. As they say back in America, you get what you pay for.

Like we said before, it’s all safe and legal too. Plus the pictures pretty much tell the tale. What you see is what you get. They don’t do any bait and switch or send old fat ladies when you asked for a younger babe with a great body. Chicks like Rion have smoking hot bodies with huge boobs that are hard to find in Japan. But you can find Rion at Taitanic all the time!

Atsugi area escorts

Atsugi is a city inside of Kanagawa Prefecture. A lot of people confuse Naval Air Facility Atsugi with Atusgi, but they are actually two different places. In fact, Naval Air Facility Atsugi is actually just outside of Atsugi.

Either way, Taitanic sends escorts to the area with no problem. So gaijin in Atsugi can get an escort with just a few text messages on an app. Taitanic does delivery right to your front door. They go to Yokohama too, which is also popular with Naval dudes.

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What about the price? Well, like we said before it just depends what you want to do. You can go cheap and get an hour 35,000 Yen. Or you can spend a lot more and get all the bells and whistles. You can use dildos, do cosplay, watch a girl take a whizz or take naked pictures. Everything on the menu is available.

For the right amount of Yen, you can even fuck two 20 year old Japanese chicks in the ass on video, then cum in their mouths and watch them swallow the loads. Where else in the world are you going to find something like this? Now you see why we think Taitanic is simply the best. In fact, Taitanic Escort Agency in Kanagawa is without a doubt our favorite place in the entire area. Whenever we are around, we look them up and get ready for a good time.

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