Artists can get away with a lot more than porn stars can. Let’s look at the facts. Mikuni Mizuki has been drawing sex scenes for years with no problem. Yet Racine’s hometown hero Max Hardcore was given years in federal prison for filming consensual sex acts with willing adults!
Artists can create anything as long as they have the imagination to think it up and the talent to make the image. Real life porn stars are limited by what they look like, what they are able to do physically, and what they are allowed to do by the moral police in their specific location. That’s not to mention the limits imposed on the nature of reality by time and space!
Hookers get rounded up and arrested all the time. It’s not so common for guys who draw pictures of chicks sucking dick on building walls to get thrown in the slammer. We have different standards for this sort of thing. Well at least those of us who don’t live in Australia.
Anyone with the talent and means to animate could put together a hentai short of 392 elderly men urinating in the face of a three legged unicorn. Yet real life porn producers have been arrested for recording pee-porn videos. So artists can get away with more than porn stars.
In some countries you can be executed just for making a home video of your own consensual sex. Yet even in those backward hellholes a person could secretly draw whatever they desire. As long as their neighbors don’t pull a Linda Tripp and rat them out. But even if someone did find your drawing of Fred Flintstone fucking a purple stegosaurus in Tehran, they’d have a tough time proving it was your pen that drew the damn thing!
A porn comics site can go well beyond the realm of non-fiction too. There’s nothing stopping an artist from making an adult comic strip about a race of purple space men who fuck cedar saplings to perpetuate their race. Try doing that with real actors and video cameras! It might end up looking worse than The Room. Well maybe not that bad, but you get the idea.
Anything is truly possible when you combine the human mind and our means to create. We’ve seen some crazy stuff like 50 man creampie gangbangs in real life porn. But none of that compares to some of the wild out mania found in the most creative of porn comics. That doesn’t mean that drawings can’t be realistic though. Just look at Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea by Guy Delisle if you want to see what we mean.
If we had the abilities you can bet we would have already illustrated all of our knowledge on adult entertainment in comic book form and posted them on a porn comics site. Instead we write out our articles in long form and post them here since we know none of you guys would actually buy a book of the stuff. What can we say? We’re here at your disposal.